My 11 1/2 month old Pit/Lab mix (a massive, destructive chewer) got rather sick about three weeks ago. At about nine in the morning, she jumped off the bed (slept the entire night with me, like normal) and proceeded to vomit her sweet little head off. In the course of me going to get something to clean it with and my return to her, she also defecated. Then I realized that she was completely unresponsive.

On the hurried 3 minute drive to the vets (after lowering the seat in my crapolla and carrying her limp 55 lbs booty down a flight of stairs), she came to a bit and was more responsive to me. While I was alerting the vet techs that I was bringing in an emergency and what her symptoms were, she defecated again.

X-rays were taken, shots were given, and medication was prescribed. While paying the bill in the lobby, my sweet Savannah had an accident in the lobby that was so severe (mucus and blood) that the vet kept her for the afternoon. Blood was taken and she was started on an IV. She ended up spending the night at the vets'. The blood work showed a secondary infection, the explanation of which was a rip in her intestines. She ran her course of medication and seemed to be doing well enough, until last week.

She had massive diarrhea and threw up almost everything she'd had in her. After another trip to the vets (and Savannah still loves them!), the vet informed me that she had a sensitive stomach and would be on special food for the rest of her life.

Now, my questions are these: has anyone ever dealt with this? Do y'all think this is something she'll grow out of, or should I go ahead and invest in the 50 lbs bags ? And, finally, what toys are appropriate for a chewer with a sensitive stomach? She can't have ropes or plastics.