Yesterday a German Shepherd mix dog was found on my block in Queens, NYC. We didn't know what to do with him so we brought him to the Center for Animal Care and Control in Manhattan, as it was the only place open. I was told that they hold the dog for 48 hrs to see if anyone claims him, and if not he's evaluated for adoption and if they deem him adoptable, he's put up for adoption. They said that he looked adobtable, cause he seemed to have a sweet personality.

Since then, I've made some flyers to put up in my neighborhood and sent an email to about 40 work associates, friends and family. Two animal experts responded that the CACC is a horrible facility which routinely kills their animals, sometimes before the allotted time, and that they are inhumane and the dogs are not treated well. I am very upset by this news.

I then contacted the North Shore Animal League to see what they could do and they said that most of the no-kill facilities are full to the brim and can't accept mixed breed, adult dogs.

We named the dog Tawny. The CACC approximated his age as 2 1/2 yrs old. They said he's in good health except for some loss of hair and tartar on his teeth.

He seemed really sweet and gentle, displaying no aggression even though he was scared.

We already have a dog in a 1BR apt, and honestly I'm scared to take in a strange dog. What if he winds up being aggressive, unstable or sick. My dog's already had mange and I'm nervous about her health. I'm just not really a dog person by nature, although more than I used to be. Also, I'm afraid my landlord would be furious, as I'm not supposed to have dogs in the first place.

Does anyone have any advice?

Thank you very much.