Well Chipper's last day of obedience class was last night. He's still learning a few things (like how NOT to jump on people ) but overall he knows sit, down, stay, recalls, and leave it pretty well. I plan to enroll him in the level two session that starts in March. At the end of that class, they get to take a Good Canine Citizen test. Been meaning to have Kia tested, but at least I'll have one down.. if he passes.

Practicing sit/stay and no jumping

Wanting a treat (Spencer in the background)

Receiving his certificate

He's edumacated!

Two videos of practicing recall w/ the leave it command (if needed). Each dog did it three times in a row. The instructor was trying to distract the dogs. First she tried a squeaky toy.

Last two times she tried treats. Second time, didn't phase him.... Third time...well.... we still need to work on that when it comes to food distractions.

Hope you enjoyed!