This is new ground for me. Most of you that really know me know that I am not speechless or at a loss for words much of the time but with this I am at a total loss.
I did a research paper on Anorexia back when I was in H.S but now I have a close friend age 20 that is spiraling out of control. And no one knows how to help her. I don't think tough love is the answer.
She has been seeing a counselor and a doctor. But I'm not sure what else.
I have watched this beautiful young woman become a shell of herself - literally.
I know its a disease.
I know its a mental control issue.
I have done the research - but when it comes down to it
I don't have a clue what to do.
It all started about a year ago when the guy she was head over heels for dumped her - she started working out and eating healthier. Now an 80 pound weight loss has left her in the double digit weight category. She has since broken up with first guy and is now dating a different guy who treats her much better - only thing is I think he may like to dabble in recreational drugs and I think she might be with him.
I don't want her to lose her job over this but more importantly I don't want her to lose her life.
Has anyone ever dealt with this before?