Hello all, i'm hoping you'll be able to help me out with a problem thats been going on for about 1 year now.

I have 2 cats who are brothers they're almost 2 years old Jazz and Guinness. Jazz is slightly hyper, brings in every animal under the sun and isn't the slightest bit scared of anything or anyone. When we got them, Guinness was very similar, slightly less hyper but still very, very affectionate (he's lick your face if you picked him up and you could hear him purr from half a mile away). However about a year ago Guinness stopped coming in the house so much, when he sees his brother (or when Jazz sees him) he goes for him and hisses and growls. They used to curl up on the sofa together but now only time they'll bear to be in the same room is at feeding time.

As far as i can tell nothings changed in their environment and i try as best as possible to treat them both the same but Guinness now growls at me when i pick him up. I can't help but feel someones hurt him when's he's been out and about.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


Edit: i forgot to add that if Guinness sees me outside the house he'll run up to me and meow and will even purr a bit if i stroke him, he's only very distant inside my house.