In the past year, about every two months or so, Ritzy will snarf down a bunch of food, not chewing it very well, then urp it all back up---I can tell that all of the dry food pieces are intact, like she swallowed them whole. She is always fine after that, and continues to eat normally, chewing her kibble well, without throwing up again.

I'm wondering if this is anything to be concerned about. I check the contents of her litterbox to make sure everything is "solid", she is as regular as a clock, drinks enough fed regularly (and limited to a scoop in the morning and a scoop in the evening because she was getting "chubby") and is only fed Iams dry cat food. She has come to monitor her intake with our feeding schedule, so I don't think this is a "hunger" attack.

This baffles it her way of 'cleansing' hairballs? I'm always worried she is going to choke.

Sorry for the gross topic.