I just had to post what we got from Freecycle this morning: a FREE 53" HD TV!!! OMG, its gorgeous and works great -- the kids were playing video games on it this morning (my SIL's kids are here overnight) There's a slight problem that needs to be fixed - the left side has a bit of double images - and we'll get it fixed after Christmas. It'll cost us $350 to fix but compared to $1,500 for a new tv its a drop in the bucket! Hubby's grinning from ear to ear over *his* new TV.

Everyone keeps asking me how someone could just give away a perfectly good expensive TV, and hubby said you should have seen what they replaced it with.... a 60+ inch plasma TV is hanging on the wall Hey, what is trash to them is definately treasure to us!

People, anyone who has NOT checked out freecycle.org needs to do so now! In the past month, I also got a new end table, a ton of baby clothes (which Ashley thought were "ugly") and a HUGE Little Tikes jungle gym for outside in the spring. I also gave things away like my old sweaters and the "ugly" baby clothes (I feel you need to be charitable where you can if you're receiving charity)