Just finished giving cat baths - all 7! First time I did this, last time I did 6 and 3 days later Ebony arrived so I did just her. Took a bit over an hour to do all 7 and clean up the kitchen again. Cuddles and Sparkle did real well at avoiding bath time, so they were last. Couldn't find Cuddles just before I started, then Dad searched and announced, "This is too much like work!" Eventually, that kitty curiosity did her in. She was tucked way back on theh bottom shelf of the entertainment center. After I had done 5 cats, I was walking into that room and she stuck her head out to see what the situation was; got her. Sparkle just kept running back and forth behind 2 chairs, took me a few moments to get her.

Now the back leg dance is all the rage here For some reason, front legs don't shake, they get licked. But back legs, look out!

I'm exhausted, going to take a little nap before I get lunch.
