Finally! I convinced my parents to get me a camera. They are probably getting me this Olypus Evolt E-500 from Sam's Club. At Sam's they are 699 dollars. At other places they are about 800+. I am getting it for Christmas. I won't be getting anything for my birthday in March, either, because it is so expensive. I don't mind. The guy at Sam's told me it is Pre-pro, which is a step before Pro cameras. He said he recommends it for me because I am a beginner, but it is still a high quality camera. It comes with Macro and Zoom lenses. It's comparable to the Cannon that came out before the newest ones. I'm sooo excited! I will have this camera for a VERY long time. The guy told me (at Sam's) that I'll be able to use it all through high school and college and longer if I want.

Anyone happen to have this camera? How do you like it?

I'm hoping I can acctually start selling my pictures once I get good enough. (I know they won't be worth much, but why not?)
My cousin has a Canon Rebel non digital, and she sold a picture that she took of two dalmations during a snowstorm. She got 45 dollars for it. She's only had her camera for about a year.