My timid little guys turn 5 today!

This is what they looked like when I first met them. They spent most of the first year of their lives cowering in a kennel. Antare was always in front of Delta, protecting him despite his own terror. They came here after Summit, the foster from h**l, tried to kill Kayleigh and had to go back to the shelter. They didn't have an open kennel and somehow I got talked into dropping off one dog and taking home two! Two timid boys seemed really easy after Summit. Took over an hour to convince them to get out of the truck once they got here.

Antare has always been a bit braver. He loves to pull and will do just about anything if he gets to come for a run. He continues to slowly unpack his baggage. Last night he decided it might be safe to get up on the futon, the first time he's ever gotten on the furniture!

After a few minutes of looking tense, he settled in for a nice nap.

Delta remains almost feral, not aggressive in any way, just afraid. He's making progess, but it's very slow. However, since at one time, I didn't expect to ever see him again, I am thrilled that he's here to celebrate his birthday, even if he wants to take his treat to the other side of the yard.

He is enjoying the fresh snow fall!

Happy birthday, my little guys!