Last night when I went upstairs for bed I checked on my hamsters as I do everynight. Dash as normal was sleeping in so I gave him a treat...he didn't take it. He sometimes went into extreamly deep sleeps so I figured thats what was wrong. I picked up his bed (its open-bottemed) and started petting him. His body was cold but he was still alive. Barely alive. I picked him up gently and started talking to him. My mom came in and started to talk as well. We stayed up for a bit singing and talking and petting and crying. My Dad came in aswell. When I looked at his face around mid-night I saw Dash's body pretty much stop but I felt his spirit close and I said good bye. Around one my Mom made me put Dash is his cage till the morning. He passed away early this morning.

Dash was the greatest hamster. He was my first hamster and I learned so much from him. He was always sweet and friendly and didn't mind being woken up as long as he got his treat. He hated playing in a playpen and would rather play with me. He overcame an abscess. He lived to 2 years. Dash did so many great things he scared off cats and got rid of Hawks in the stories I wrote about him called Sir Dash. He was my baby and anybody who hated hamsters just had to look at him to fall in love.

Please Sir Dash rest in peace. Wait for me at rainbow bridge and watch over me and the other hamsters. enjoy eternal happiness.