I just got back from spending a few hours at a local vet hospital that I had an interview with late last week. I was there this morning just to see how I like it, if it would be a place I would like to work at & by golly it is! I'll be starting on the 11th of October.
I of course have to take a pay cut but it still pays more than what other vets start you off at in my area and I will be getting a raise in 1-2 months. But I must say that it will still be VERY VERY hard. I am honestly literally living paycheck to paycheck right now and have close to $3000 worth of repairs that NEED to be done on my car & house and SOON otherwise I won't have a car that runs & house that has floors, or a hot water heater for that matter. I honestly don't know how we are going to get all these repairs done even if I could keep my current job but I had to find another job so I guess I have to deal with it.
As you've probably guessed, my luck has not changed. We are still dealing with a lot of bad events and the like day in & day out, except this job, it does make me happier. Things have been falling apart on us so fast that not only can we not get on top of things but we can't even keep up with them. It's really hard on me.
To make money matters even worse I need to get a few new (gently used) outfits & a new pair of sneakers for this job. I don't have hardly any clothes left that I can wear there.

I am so excited over the job, finally something I actually enjoy doing once again. But the pay is going to kill me. I know somehow, someway it will work out (at least that's what they say) but it's still going to be very tough.

There is a slight chance that I will work one half day once a week & I do have the weekends off so there is a chance I could get a part time job. But I won't know that for sure until I start. She's still figuring out my schedule. Even so it won't be much but it will be some. Hopefully at least enough to make my paycheck equal what I make now, even though it's not enough it will help.

I want to let yous know that you probably won't be hearing a lot from me nor seeing a lot of me after I start this job. We have no internet at home because we have other more important things we need to take care of first, but I'll try to stop by the library ever so often to pop in & say hi. I won't forgot about any of yous though. PT is my own little retreat, I don't know how I'll make it without yous but hopefully it won't be for too awful long.

If anyone would like my phone number or the like please pm me.

An update on Missy, my friend who is staying with me. She has a great job (well the job isn't that great but she makes decent money) and is finally starting to get back on her feet. The thing is I am trying to sell my van which is what she uses to get & back froth to work with. I can't keep it just for her to use as I NEED the money. Granted I probably won't getany more than $900 for it but that $900 is certainly needed. But I don't know what is going to happen to her once I sell it. She knew about this from day one, that I need to sell my van but she can use it until I sell it. Granted it's been for sale for a month now with no serious inquiries until now, but I haven't even put an add in the paper (no money) all I have is just a for sale sign in the van window. lol But I have someone who seems interested in it looking at it tomorrow afternoon.