I know I have been very, very bad about posting! I have been lurking though. Unforunately, my laptop is jacked up and getting fixed atm. >;[

Buttt, I finally have a few new pics of my little Muppet boys =) They're both doing very good. Gonzo's foot is all better, and Fozzie's neuter incision is totally healed up and the stitches have dissolved. Fozzie weighs 30 lbs now, and he's about 6 1/2 months old. He is still very short, but he's really solid & stocky. It's hard to believe he's only 10 lbs lighter than Gonzo! Anyway, I hope you like the pics. They're kinda boring, but w/e...

Cropped version of their calendar photo. They posed like good boys!


He can finally catch treats!

aha, I folded his ears back.

Fozzie is my rough & tough guard dog.


Handsome boy.

Gonzo chomping on his ball.

...wait, there's more!