I dont usually post this type of stuff but my friend and her mom really need some prayers.

Her dad is abusive.

One morning he went into my friends room and went right up to her face while she was sleeping a yelled at her " I F-ing hate your guts! "

He beats her and her mom and her sister who is now moved out(she moved out a few years ago)

But on Sunday morning she said he was yelling at thier cocker Spaniel puppy Ariel (I posted pictures of her in the summer when they got her)
and she said he used to kick her old dog sometimes when he was mad and so she went down there not knowing what he was doing to her and told him to get the hell away from her dog and he threw her into thier walk in closet and started beating her up, he was kicking and punching her and she now has a black eye forming and a BIG bruise on her back.

He beat her until her mom got out of the shower wich I'm thinking would be around 15-20 minutes.

Her mom kicked him out of the house and he moved 4 hours away with his parents.

Hopefully he never comes back or else there is going to be alot of people trying to do stuff back to him.( And I know my dad will get involved and show him how it feels to be beat up by somone bigger then him)
Wich I dont want.

She said shes so scared that one day he will come back and hide his car in the garage and be hiding in the house and just come for her.

And no they didnt call the cops she said they dont want to get them involved...anyone whos been in a abusive situation knows how they feel.

They are moving soon her mom has already called about a few houses.

Please prey for them that they get through this and have no more problems with that idiot. I'm so scared for her, she hasnt been able to sleep and is really depressed..I keep feeling like crying for her and I feel so helpless