OK, first of all let me clarify that I do not work outside of the home .... or I would obviously be more concerned with my appearance. So, let's answer this poll for the non-work attire, OK?

Now ..... If you get a stain on your clothing .... do you continue to wear it, or do you never wear it again and consider it ruined?

ME? If I trashed every piece of clothing (shirts in particular) that I had dropped food or dribbled drink on, I would have to buy new clothes daily! So, I will wear stained clothes .... within reason of course. I mean if the stain was HUGE and all over the article then it would become a house cleaning or painting shirt. Since I mostly live in blue jeans and baggy t-shirts, I figure I can live with the greasy food stains down the front of me!

Now ... let's be honest here folks!