Hi Everyone!

I've been browsing this website for a month or so and enjoying everyone's wonderful advice.

Last night something happened to me while walking my dog that has prompted me to want to post and get your opinions...This is kind of long, so I apologize, but appreciate any thoughts you might have.

I live in a residential area, a fairly nice, new neighborhood with sidewalks and front porches, etc. I have an 8 year old Husky mix that I rescued about 7 years ago from the shelter. We go on regular walks, morning & night and sometimes in between. I always pick up after her when she poops, unless it's in a natural area and AWAY from someone's yard (which I know I should still pick up there too...but that's not the point here!).

I do not "curb" her with regards to peeing. She is used to peeing on the grass or in mulch, etc. and so yes, she does pee in other peoples' yards. However, as much as possible, I will walk her in the "common" open spaces in the neighborhood to avoid her peeing in peoples' yards. But she is one of those Alpha dogs who likes to spread her scent all over, so she pees several times each walk.

OK, so there is this large grassy, undeveloped area of the neighborhood that I typically walk her to a couple times a day. But on the way there & on the way home, we pass by peoples' houses.

One of the houses we pass by is a corner lot (with sidewalk). These people have had a "no tresspassing/private property" sign posted in their yard for a while now. I didn't really understand why, because it's not like it's a crime-ridden area or there are lots of kids trampling bushes or anything.

Well, last night, I walked from the common open space across the street, along my NORMAL route, and crossed over onto the sidewalk by this "No Tresspassing" house. It was at that moment, my dog decided she had to poop in their yard, in the grass between the sidewalk & street. So she pooped & I picked it up and started on my way....

That's when trouble started...

A guy was outside mowing his lawn, across the street from this "No Tresspassing" house. This guy has an old black lab that, from what I can tell, spends most of its time confined to the garage.

The guy came across the street to me and said, "Have you seen that sign?" I stopped and looked, thinking he was referring to the "NO Tress." sign. Instead it was the "NT" sign, but with a printed paper over it saying something about how it is rude to let your dog "go" in peoples' yards and you need to curb your pet...blah, blah, blah.

Anyways, the guy started asking me if I thought it was OK to let my dog "go" in peoples' yards as long as I picked it up. I said yes, that was within the law in our area and as long as you pickup, it's OK.

He started getting all upset with me and pretty much harrassing me about the people with the "NT" sign and they were going find out where I live and I was going to get a summons. (not sure to what!) He was a real jerk and was pretty much scaring me by yelling at me & such. I should've just walked away, but I was so stunned I didn't know what to do.

I finally asked him if this was a problem he was having too or if it was just these neighbors (which I guess now, they are in it together). He said people work hard to keep their lawns looking nice and we shouldn't let our dogs go on the lawns.

He then asked me if I "clean up the sod" if my dog pees on someone's grass. I said no, that was kind of hard to control.

He said "if you ever let your dog in my yard, you'll see what happens" or something like that...which I took as a threat.

So anyways...I was just wondering what other people do? Am I wrong in letting my dog pee on people's yards? And if so, what is the best way to train my dog to pee on the sidewalk or curb? Keep in mind she is 8 & pretty set in her "husky" ways.

THANKS FOR READING. I look forward to hearing your words of wisdom!