Ok, after weeks of saying I'm slipping into depression, I finally realized, I'm no longer slipping, I'm there. I don't need to count off all my symptoms to you all, I'm sure you've noticed a change in me the past few months.

I decided today that I'm going to meet with my doctor to discuss possibly taking some antidepressants. I know a lot of you have experience with the different drugs out there, so I wanted input before I went to the doctor to make sure I'm not put on something that has given other people bad side effects. I'm not talking about side effects like headache or diarrhea.... I'm sure you know what other side efects I'm talking about.

Nobody has to say which drugs they are currently on if they don't want to -- please PM me if you're not comfortable telling the world which medicine you take.

I was on somethign 3 years ago for anxiety. Maybe it is all just anxiety leading to the depression. It worked wonders for me right away and I felt like my old self. I want to be me again. This blah person who takes naps every day and is quick to flare up is getting on my nerves I want to be passionate again. I want to feel hope again. I want my memory back! (LOL) I just want to be ME again, and this person I've been the last few months isn't me. All I know is I'm in a bad depression right now. I know the symptoms from the last two times I got this low... right after grandmom died and right as my last job ended.