Hey everyone! I'm back and all settled in Utah! It sure has been alot of work and school already starts in a week. How have you all been? Hope everyone is well. My computer is hooked up now and I'll post pics of Molli tomorrow. She hasn't been feeling good today... she vomitted a few times today. Hopefully she's better tomorrow. I miss my baby boy Sam and my dad soooo much already. No one has even looking at our house yet so getting Sam and seeing my dad this year isn't looking the best. But it's awhile before winter so hopefully it'll sell.

Sam's birthday was the other day and my dad gave him a cupcake! lol Dad says he almost ate it before he got the candle off. He says Sam really loves being able to run free and has an absolute blast.

Molli got a few presents for her birthday and I've got some pics of her posing with them.

I have already memorized where things are in this part of the city. I'm not as nervous about school as I thought I would be. I hope I'll get at least one friend the first couple days.

I've been having some breathing problems and am tired alot because of the altitude here. I really hope I'll get used to it soon.

Anyways, enough blabbing. I'm looking forward to replies and seeing how everyone and their pets are.