Ive had my dog for 7 years and until recently, he has never exhibited hardly any bad behavior. Starting about 3 weeks ago my sister's cat has been at my house because it was pregnant, and my sister wasnt home enough to give her proper attention. The cat has been in my younger sisters room for the entire time(except for occasions when the dog is outside), and had the kittens about 2 weeks ago, but in the last two weeks my dog has been dragging himself on the carpet and peeing on the furniture. hes done this about 8-10 times since the kittens were born. He gets outside several times a day and the back yard is open to him the entire day when its warm out, but i dont know what to do to stop this. The dog just peed on the couch about an hour ago but it wasnt intentional, he was just laying there and went. Can anyone help with this?