He has a cyst on his left upper eyelid that got really big and I was able to get a bunch of thick yellowish-green pus out of yesterday , and a lesion on his left lower eyelid that is kind of bloody .

While he's under the anesthesia for those two items to be removed, the Vet. is going to remove a lipoma (fat tumor) from his underside, and a large skin-tag-lesion-like growth from his left front leg "elbow" area. He's also going to get his teeth cleaned and his toe nails trimmed (OREO, not the Vet! ).

For those of you who don't know who Oreo is, he's our nine-year-old "Chocolate Beagle" (mother was a Chocolate Lab, father was a Beagle, so we call him our "Chocolate Beagle!") He's such a good boy, although sometimes "Goofy" or "Dufus" would be a more appropriate name for him! I sure hope he does OK with the surgery! He can't have anything to eat or drink after midnight tonight, and he's going to think we're ABOOSING him! Poor guy!

I'll try to take "before" and "after" pictures to post tomorrow. Please pray that all goes well. He should be able to come home tomorrow afternoon......

