I just met my friend Shannon at the dog park so I could pick up hey doggy Miss Abby to watch for the weekend. Abby is a bit spoiled and has a very set routine. Thats why we met at the park. I wanted to be with her for awhile somewhere familiar before I took her home. She knows me but likes to forget me.

I got there about 10 min before Shannon so I was sitting at a picnic table with my dogs off leash. They ran a little bit up the path and said hi to a huge black lab, then ran back to me. The black lab decided to come over and say hello again. Lolly freaked (I think cause she was protecting me). She stepped toward the lab then hit the floor whimpering and yelping. My easy going angel of a dog Reece thought his sister was getting beat up so he charged at the labbie's butt!!!!!!!!!!! The lab turned around really annoyed and stood over Reece snarling. Then Reece hit the floor and was twisting all over the place screaming. It sounded REALLY bad but he wasn't getting hurt at all. I stepped in there and picked him up. No one was hurt but it was quite embarrassing for me That lab had to be over 100 lbs of pure muscle.

Then after Shannon came with Abby, I had a hard time getting Abby to walk. She only wanted to sit and stare and wait for her mommy. So I had to carry her a really long way. She finally started to walk but was still looking for mom. She's here now barking and growling at the cats (she gets along with them but barks and growls at ones she doesn't know). Moby is intrigued, Angelo is cautious, and Shiloh is annoyed.

This is going to be a stressful weekend I think, hehe. I will post some pics of the Abby girl later today.