Its hard to believe Ebony has already been with us a year. Our oldest son lives in Aurora, he was Ebony's owner. After he got her he found out he was going to be sent out of town to work, also they were getting ready to ban the pit bull in Aurora. You have to have a 100 thousand dollar insurance policy on your pit bill there in order to keep them. My son didn’t feel he had the time to spend with Ebony also he really couldn’t afford that kind of insurance. So, he called us to see if we wanted Ebony.

I was a little leery at first to take her because we already had two females I was kind of scared how 3 females would do together. My son said "don’t worry it will be ok" My husband went to Aurora to pick Ebony up, when he got there he sent me a picture of her. I was in love the minute I saw her. The first night she was here she ran around like crazy, she was sniffing everything and snorting like a pig, she still snorts to this day.

Jada hated her so much at first. On the 4th she almost killed Ebony. The first couple of weeks were pretty stressful with her and Jada. Diamond never had a problem with Ebony, they did fine together. It took some time but Jada did warm up to Ebony, for the most part they are great friends now. Ebony has brought so much joy into our lives, she is a big lovable clown, she makes me laugh every single day with her antics. I so wish all the pit bull "haters" could meet my sweet girl, she would change their minds about the breed. Happy Gotcha Day my sweet girl.

Ebony, was so little and all head. Lol. She still has those soulful eyes.

Jada and Ebony today, loving each other

All three girls

Ebony this morning. Happy 4th everyone.