a few days ago someone who works with me found a kitten in the parking lot screaming. I went home to get some cat food but couldn't find him. The next morning she saw him again and I still had the cat food in my office sh we went down to feed him. He's not older than 4 weeks old, he had a great voice and a big will to live! I can't beleive he survived here alone in this heat...

Anyway to cut the story short, we caught him yesterday and he's now in my back yard with my other street cats. He (or she maybe) ate a lot yesderday and even cleaned himself. He's so sweet, and so tiny.

He's still there (I called Ilan at home to check on him...)I will make sure he eats more, and I hope the ohter cats will let him stay. they don't really like him yet, but they don't hiss at him as well so I think he'll be ok...

Here are some pics I took yesterday...

By the way, the sweet red tabby next to him is about 3 months old, and he looks huge next to him.