Quote Originally Posted by Karen
Today I exploded a rock while mowing the lawn.

It was about half the size of a football, just an ordinary grey chunk of New England rock. We had weeks, literally, of rain, and then the last two days were hot and sunny. This all somehow combined so that, when I knicked it with the mower, it shattered. It was about a foot away from Paul's car at the time, and yet not a single piece hit the car windows or the car itself, less than ten feet from the house and the side-by-side kitchen windows and none hit the windows, and the one that went furthest was traveling hard enough to punch a hole in the vinyl siding of the house, and was sharp enough to slice off a syringa twig with flowers, but missed the window behind which Paul's computer sits by a foot. There was nothing left of the rock in the spot it had sat for years, though some pieces were on the grass a few inches away. The edges of the pieces are sharp and flat, and the insides look rusty, so probably iron in the rock.