I can't believe my old man is 7 years. Today marks his approximate birthday because even though he was from a BYB, they failed to give us an exact birthdate.

I don't know what I did to deserve a dog like this. He has blessed every day of my life with constant companionship and love. Although there were moments in my life where I could not fathom how I could survive the next day, he has always been my support, my inspiration, my reason for being. He was there when others failed. When my heart could not take any more pain or frustration, he would climb into my lap and gently lick away my tears. They say there is no greater love than that of a dog. Now I know what they mean. Though my life will continue to change, Lucky will always be there for me.

I was young and naive when I chose his name, but now I realize how well he has lived up to his namesake. He has been my inspiration for getting up every morning to suffer through another intolerable day. Seven years ago, I would not have realized it, but now I do. I am so lucky to have been blessed by this dog.

Happy Birthday, Lucky. You're my inspiration, my life, my joy. I hope I don't ever have to go through a day without you by my side.

I never want to let you go.