Yesterday I finally reached the end. I found spray/urine all over. It took me 2 or more hours to just clean that alone. I finally lost it and put Mouser in the garage/cat run. I was about ready to open the back door and let Leila out, but I held back. I decided to do a test and see if I find anymore urine after Mouser’s been out before I put Leila out. This morning I didn’t find any. We’ll see what happens when I get home today. I figure if it’s Mouser he will just have to be one of the cats that comes in only when we’re around to supervise. The thing that made me lose it was there was spray from one end of my monitor to the other. Our new digital camera has already been ruined, and I just had it. I do feel terrible about changing his “routine” but what else can I do? It’s just getting worse and worse and I’m worn out from cleaning and cleaning.

Speaking of cleaning..we introduced Scooter to the cat run and he loves it. We will put him out there when we’re home and back in his room when we’re not. Once he’s grown and out of the woods for any UTI’s he’ll be able to spend more time out there.