After coming home from work the other night only to discover Jamie had torn up a couch cushion of our BRAND NEW COUCH we hadn't even had two days yet.. HJ put his foot down, and finally got a crate. I've been telling him this for about a year now we needed to get one, but they were "too expensive" and he did not tell me this then, but he thought you couldn't pack them up and put them away when they weren't being used. I told him, "honey, if you couldn't pack them up, then how do they fit in the boxes when you first buy them?" lol

So we got a crate for Jamie, I was really really worried, I wanted to condition her to it before leaving her in it all day, just to see how she would react to being in it. Monday night we got it and we were going to set it up and put her in it overnight, but I had to be at work at 8am so went to bed early, and HJ didn't set it up The next day I thought would be a PERFECT day to get her used to being in it, because HJ didn't have to be at work until 1, and I got off at 4, so she would only be in it for a few hours home alone by herself.

Didn't work out that way. Two people did not show up yesterday at all at work, and I got stuck closing the store as well. a 12+ hour day. I didn't get home until nearly 9pm and was really, really worried that Jamie tore up the crate or figured out how to open it, or was barking her head off and we would have noise complaints from the neighbors.....

So I got home (HJ didn't get off till 10)..... and she was laying in the crate like a good girl!! The house was in perfect condition, just as we'd left it (or as HJ left it, since he was the last home) and she did not pee or anything!!! Our roommate said she did bark A LOT at first (before he left for work) but I'm assuming she gave up after awhile.

I was soooooooooooo proud of her! Finally a solution!!

But now I'm worried I'm going to let my guard down, and when I do, she'll figure out how to open it or something LOL knowing Jamie.....

We should have done this SO much earlier!!! And I would have, too, but HJ didn't want to...