Fritz had quite a day yesterday.It started off by him having a two hour nap on my bed.Then later in the morning the mailman came and runs around the living room barking,don't why he doesn't like him.After supper,Fritz brought his monkey upstairs to play and i would toss it and he bring it to me and he would want me to get it from him.Fritz eventually had a snooze after that little play. Later i had a water bottle I was drinking from and Fritz wanted it,so I got him another and he chaw on the end of it and he knocks on the floor and he begs for me to pick it up.He ended up taking it under the couch to play with.When he had his late afternoon nap,he took hid doggie squeaky under the couch and had his snooze.Earlier in the day,I had lunch and i came down to the computer,Fritz gets up on the back of the chair,sits up and begs for bologna sandwich.I dd give him a bite plus his own food with it.Fritz later went up with dad to bed and i heard A noise and i guess he had jumped off the bed and when I saw him,there he was under the dining room table with one of dad's socks,so i gave him a bit of bologna when I got him downstairs.He still tried to go upstairs but I had the gate up and he went under the couch to sleep,where he stayed until bedtime. Right now,he is on my bed curled up,waiting for me i think.