Last night Mandy attacked Buck. We have been limiting their time together because he is so small and we didn't want her to hurt him when she established her dominance over him. When I was fixing their dinner all of the dogs were watching me, but Buck was playing. I was keeping a pretty close eye on them but when I looked away for a second he bit Mandy's tail (we think) and she went after him.

I got her off of him pretty quick, but he still got hurt. He has three puncture wounds - one very close to his left eye, one on the right side of his nose, and one on his left cheek. The one on his cheek went through his lip all of the way and it swelled up to the size of a golf ball in less than an hour. He also had a very irritated and swollen right eye. She also pulled out one of his baby teeth and that bled for a long, long time. He must've yelped for 20 seconds once I got her off of him, but it really seemed like forever. It was so piercing, and very heartbreaking.

The vet wasn't too worried about him. He shaved and cleaned the wounds, gave him an injection of antibiotic, and sent us home with some Clavamox. He did say that his skull could be cracked a little bit, but it wouldn't be anything serious.

We went to Publix after we left the vet and bought him a can of wet food because he was very sore around his mouth and we didn't want him to have to chew much. He ate that up last night and went right to sleep. This morning he ate half a can and then he had the other half for lunch, and tonight he's getting back to his raw food but we're going to grind it for him until the swelling goes down (it will probably be gone tomorrow).

While my mom was paying for his food in Publix I let him out in the parking lot to potty. The wind was blowing the leaves around and he was chasing them. That was so good to see. I had been crying since it happened - for Buck and how he must hate his new family, and for Mandy and how my parents were saying she's going to live her life in a cage (she won't - they were just mad at her, but I was still worried that they were serious). When I saw him playing with the leaves I felt a lot better.

Today he is doing wonderful. He has been eating and pottying normally, and he has been playing with Luka and Nova and sleeping. He also got in his kiddie pool on his own for the first time today. His swelling on his cheek has gone down a lot and his eye is looking much better. Devin (the breeder's son) came over and didn't even notice anything wrong with him.

He is very cautious of Mandy today. He still kisses her, but he is very careful now. If she growls then he backs off. Hopefully this will be the end of it, hopefully he won't forget this and bite her tail again (he's been going after it for weeks). It only took one time when Nova was a puppy for her to understand not to mess with Mandy (but Nova's bite wasn't serious). I hope this is it for him too.