I would like to thank everyone who had me in their thoughts and prayers. No I haven't received a loan for a car, BUT I've come to the realization that at this immediate point in time a car would be a bit too much for us now, and I'm OK with it (not upset as I was earlier, because I WANTED one too, you know?). We borrowed my in-laws car so I have a way to get to work. In a few months or so when we're a little more stable financially (we JUST got the apartment and had to pay $1300 for the deposit and rent), my dream car will be out there, I just know it.

Not only that, but He has been teaching me that patience pays off, and having patience has its rewards! A few incidents happened where I REALLY wanted something, but HJ convinced me that "do you REALLY need that now?" or "well, have some patience, when the time is right, it will work out!". Its always happened though! The apartment is a prime example of that. So I feel that if I wait, the car will happen at the right moment for us

Things are starting to fall into place so I really would like to thank each and every one of you. THANKS PT!!!!!