Hello , i'm very much new to this forum, alittle about myself i have 3 cats names are jersey , sam and precisous. i'm in need of answers about my situation, i'll just get right to the point.

I picked up a stray cat about a week ago around my town house, it was injured and had an infection in its left eye. Today i was approach by a ladie who lives down from me claiming that its her cat and wants it back she has already notified the police about it and everything. I dont want to give this cat up to her i have seen this cat out side for quite awhile. She has no other proof but claims she has vet bills for this cat and a picture that looks like him ( i also have a vet bill). Can anyone tell me or give me a link to any laws that i might be able to say if she trys to take it further either police or legal. Btw i live in Canada ( ontario to be exact).

Anything would be helpful shes apparently going to come to my door tomorrow for this cat. So the sooner the better.

PS: i loves this cat and he's apart of my family now