I'm having such a rough day. Early in the morning, the shelter manager told me she needed to talk to me before I left for the day. I asked her to tell me at that time but she said it really needed to be after the shelter was closed. So after we closed up, I went into her office and told her I didn't want to know what she had to tell me because my stomach was hurting and I was scared at what she was going to say. She then told me that Nookie, my boy who I've been taking special care of, is going to have to be put to sleep. She named a list of diseases they found out he had but I couldn't hear anything she was saying anymore. It really feels like my heart has been ripped from my chest. I ran out of work and got home as soon as possible because I couldn't even talk. I wish I had stayed because I want to know when they have to put him to sleep. I really want to be able to take him home for a few days and show him love and comfort before he leaves for Rainbow Bridge. I love this dog so much and everyone knew it. I guess thats why she had the consideration to tell me ahead of time. I hope to be able to take him home and show you guys pictures. I really really really hope they'll give him those extra days. He is so endearing. He's missing teeth and has a long tongue that is always hanging out of his mouth. He's my sweet boy.

I'm so devastated and there's no one here to talk to except cats and dogs so I guess I just had to tell someone about all this

I just read this post and most of it probably doesn't make sense but I'm having a hard time making sense right now.