I will copy an email that I sent out to my email contacts...and it will explain what is going on...here it is:

To my family and friends, ( some of you may know this already, but here is everything in a little more detail),

Last I emailed you all, we had just found out that we were having another little boy. Since then, I had to go for a level 2 ultrasound b/c there were a few things that needed to be looked closer at the baby. I had the level 2 ultrasound yesterday and we met with a doctor and a genetic counselor. The baby’s kidneys appear “bright” on ultrasound scan, which can mean and be because of many different things. They should typically be a grayish color…they are a brighter color. In addition to that, they found that his umbilical cord should have 2 veins and one artery, or 1 vein and 2 arteries (not sure which), his only has 1 vein and 1 artery. B/c of the cord being like this, that could be a reason for his kidneys being how they are…I think they are leaning away from a kidney disease at this point, b/c they weren’t extremely bright and are apparently the right size and everything. His bowels were a little bright as well. It is possible that it could be infection…and maybe by my next ultrasound things will look better. He is measuring the right size and everything else looks good. They said his thigh bones look a little short, but we aren’t really concerned about that. Since many syndromes that people/babies can have, have many many symptoms that make them up…they have said that there is a slight increase in the risk of down syndrome, b/c of some of these things that I have mentioned. The risk is low, but it can still be there. They are going to keep a close eye on his heart as well, b/c with the 1 vein 1 artery thing, that can be something that is at risk, and also b/c Rob was born with a hole in his heart ( that closed 2 days after birth), but apparently this is pretty common. The 4 chambers of his heart look good, and his brain is fine also, as is everything else. I have to go for several more level 2 ultrasounds to make sure that he is growing well, and to keep an eye on everything. I also have to go for some blood work to make sure that I don’t have any serious infections that they don’t know about, that could maybe explain why his bowels and kidneys looked a little bright…

Anyway, it has been a lot for Rob and I to take in…but we are so blessed to have family and friends praying for us and the little guy. So, if you are a part of a church family and wouldn’t mind adding our baby to your prayer list, we would certainly appreciate it. And if you could keep him and us in your prayers as well. Family has really helped me to look at things with a better outlook….my mom calmed me down a lot this morning, just mentioning that God knows this little guy already and is caring for him for us, even in the womb. There is a verse in Psalms 139 about being knit together in my mother’s womb, and that He knew you, before you were born. This helps me to have peace with everything. He is certainly in control and the baby is in His hands, what better place for him to be? I was sent this verse today in an email…”The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. James 5:16”

And as my Nana always said before praying,” you have not, b/c you ask not.” So I know that with prayer and devotion to the Lord, many good things can come because of it. This situation has brought many tears, but it has already helped me to feel closer to the Lord because of it. Thanks for reading through all of this, and I will keep you all updated about our very special little boy. I know with whatever happens, it is for God’s own reason, and that it will be the perfect will for this situation…b/c He knows best.

Thanks again,Love,
