There is a Weim. puppy named Buddy down the road that is almost always tied up outside. Today when we drove by he had a prong collor on instead of his regular flat collar, and I know that these are meant for training not for every day use. The tie-out isn't very big. They have him in the frontyard (which is small), but if they bought a bigger tie-out he could go in the backyard ... he has a fairly large backyard. Anyway, he has never slept outside, which I always thought was wonderful on their part. However, I think it just depends on what time the people go to bed. I have seen Buddy out there at 11:00 at night. He seems happy, but he is a puppy. I have taken Nova and Luka down there to play with him. Even Mandy likes him if she is in the right mood. I have only seen the guy take him for a walk once, however it was very late at night (10:00 or later) and if he walks him around that time every day I wouldn't know, since I am usually at home and I can't see his house unless if I walk out into the street. I have never seen a bowl of water out there, though on occasion I see them bring him ice (they say it's his favorite).

It doesn't seem like abuse to me anymore, though it did when they first got him. I know I remember seeing a Lab puppy, a Golden puppy, and a mixed breed puppy tied out there a few years ago (all at different times, and they got rid of them once they grew up) but, I think these people just moved in last year so I guess it must just be irony, unless if I'm thinking of another neighbor that moved.

Abuse, or just a need of education? I am more than willing to help this guy out, whether I have to gather money for a chainlink fence or kennel and a new collar and water bowl or whether I just need to talk to him. I know the wife said she had never had a dog before, but I am not sure about the husband. They also have small children, but I have yet to see them play with the dog though he got his name because he is the son's "buddy".

Like I said, he seems happy, VERY happy, but he is a Weim. and a puppy ... a combination that you will hardly ever see unhappy.