My poor sister was accosted yesterday, this moron tryed to take her handbag off her, she resisted and held on tight, he let go at the same she did and she fell over resulting in a very bad sprained ankle, she is all black and blue, he got away unfortunately, some people did come to her aid, but only when it was too late, that is why he ran off, there were not too many people around at the time it happened.

People said to her why did you not just let him have it, as she put it to me it is just instinct to hold on, besides she had all her credit cards, money, drivers licence etc in there, damed if that moron was going to get it, so she is on crutches today and in a lot of pain, and off work , so far cost her over a 120 dollars just for medication , doctors visits, xrays etc.

It is a sad world we live in today for sure.