Ok I thought I would just put this by my PT advisors and see what you think, my daughter Melissa has been bugging me for ages to have her Belly Button pierced, I have so far up until now said NO when you are older , she is 13, well her best friend has had it done, and said it hurt a lot and had a few problems initally, bleeding profusely at the time, so then Melissa was like no way am I going through that, however time has passed since and she is now bugging me again, and keeps asking why when I am older, and I really cannot come up with a very good reason, so I have decided to offer her an incentive, or ultimatium if you like, she has problems with exzema on her inner arms and behind her legs, and she is very nawtee and does not try to look after it and it gets really bad, so I said until she can prove to me to be responsible to start using the creams to clear it up and continue with the moisturizing I would not even consider the belly button Piercing, she is happy with that and so far is making the effort.

Now it seems I have made a decision and I have I guess, but I wondered whether you think I have done the right thing here, and if you are a teenager what do you think?

P.S I personally don't like the idea of her having to go through the pain, even though she has two ear piercings, for some reason the belly just seems scarey to me, I doubt whether i could take her myself, someone else would have to go with her, as the thought of it freaks me out.