Take time to write about some of your Special ones that you've lost.

Just last month, I lost my rottweiler to bone cancer. She'd urinate all over herself, we eventually had to put diapers on her. She had a huge mass on her arm, hard as a rock.
Murphie loved bread and cats. And she always growled at us, but not in a bad way. It was her "pur." When we were petting her or scratching her in her fav. spot, she'd growl, but never bit. She would spend hours and hours staring at 1 cat. This apparently was fun to her. You know what they say, to each his own. There was a little bread-holder, the top flipped UP, and everytime she wanted some bread, she'd take her nose and lift the top up and let it slam down so we could hear it... she quickly learned everytime she did that, she'd get bread. She was a great companion who was loved.
Murphie was a very special dog and she will always be missed.