For about 3 weeks now I've been terrified of school(well I've always been afraid of school but it's gotten really really bad). I mean litterally getting sick at the thought of being in school!
I was out all last week from throwing up and no one knew what was wrong. I get a stomach ache in the morning before school starts, I sweat like crazy, usually throw up, and I can't eat. I've had trouble eating for awhile now, I can eat when I get home but it takes a few hours to feel better.
I am going to start going to a therapist next week, which I'm totally nervous about, and maybe he can tell me what's wrong.
It's horrible, I'm failing health class because I couldn't get infront of the class to give a speech, I almost started crying and felt like I was going to pass out and now I have to give a speech in speech class(it's a required class) next week and I don't think I can do it! If I do I would be so out of it, almost like a place between dreaming and fainting. I would be sweating like crazy, my mouth goes dry, I will be forcing myself to talk, and I'll shake like crazy.
My speech is on Thursday next week and I meet my therapist Thursday night, so until then can anyone give me some suggestions on how to get through the speech? Please I really don't want to fail 2 classes!