okay so I live in seattle, in a small apt complex on a fairly busy street, and theres not a lot of grass around, and none on my apt's property. so I usually walk the dogs to go potty across the street to the large strip of grass along the road, or to the strip of grass along the street in front of the neighboring apt building. Ive been living here for 6 months, never had anyone say anything to me about this. until today. I was in a hurry, and I can only take one dog out at a time, so I take brock out first, and as he is finishing up someone parks on the street near us. whatever, no big deal, nothing strange about that. so I turn around and jog back to my apt cause Im in a hurry, and as Im almost to my door, I hear "PICK UP YOUR POOP NEXT TIME!" ... it didnt even register in my brain until I was inside, when I was like... huh??? brock didnt even poop!! so I got alki, prepared to explain to this woman that my dog didnt even poop! and that I *ALWAYS* pick up after them. but when I get out there she goes off about how Im not allowed to let my dogs pee on that grass, that its ruining "their" grass, that I need to walk them up to the park (2 blocks away!!! I dont have time to do that FOUR times a day! esp when Im always late lol), and that she'd call my landlord if I did it again. I was just dumbfounded, and just kept saying, no one has ever told me that before, and that doesnt make any sense! I mean, this is a city and people walk their dogs down here all the time! I eventually turned and walked away from her cause we were getting no where. and just as I started walking away her husband called out to me saying "and scoop after they poop" and I didnt even bother to turn around, just said "I ALWAYS DO." and he replied "cool, thanks." phh. whatever dude. your wife just rips into me but youre acting all nice?? wth. ANYWAY.

so, Im gonna call my landlord tomorrow and ask if theres certain areas Im not supposed to take them, or what the deal is, since I was never informed of this before. but have any of you heard of anything like that?????? does the apt building own that strip of grass in front of it?? or is that city owned?? I thought it was city owned, since thats who I see mowing it! ugh. this is totally annoying and stressful.