Just got back from the vet. She got a conter-reaction shot for the rabies, 200cc of subq fluids, some anitbiotic and a paste called Nutripet. the vet believes it is most likely a reaction to the shot but he is a little concerned about her breathing. Her respitory rate was 50. And he said that was a little high. He also said she was a little dehydrated. She has more energy since she came home and she used the litter box. Hopefully it is nothing more than a reaction we will watch her and the vet said if she doesn't improve he wants to extra her lungs though he didn't hear anything and he wants to do blood work to check her white blood cell count. Keep all fingers and paws crossed this is nothing more than a reaction. And a few miracle working Pt prayers won't go astray either. Thanks soo much.

a less worried Michelle and a seemingly feeling a little better Lilith