Way back when, I along with others across the country started up a petition campaign to end this disreputable thorn in the side 'breeder' of these malformed cats. I have no clue if she's still breeding them or not, but can only hope this cruelty has ended. Apparently others have taken to breeding these deformed cats which infuriates and sickens me! My dear Kirby came close to being killed by the shelter that he and his three littermates were taken to several years ago, but lucky for Kirby, my vet (who was the vet for that shelter that's now shut down) put in a good word for me, and Kirby has been my bedbug ever since. I would have taken in his sister also, but dr. Dunn said she had weepy eyes and though none of the other kittens had eye problems, she was killed. I'm surprised they let me have Kirbstone.