Originally posted by finn's mom
Well, I didn't end up going to the movies after all. But, I'm hoping to see Batman Begins this week, I'll be sure to post my thoughts on it! Probably in the other thread, though.
Justin loved Batman Begins, he saw it at midnight on opening day with some friends. They all read comic books and had been excited for this movie to be out. I thought they were all nuts of corse because they all had to get up and go to work that next morning. I think he got like 2 hours of sleep that night.

He wants to see it again in the theater, so I'll probably see it with him.

Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
Hitch- Will Smith and Kevin James. I thought it was funny.
I loved Hitch!! I was so excited the first time I saw a trailer for it because I've had a crush on both Will Smith and Kevin James for years. You can't even imagine my excitement when I first saw they were doing a movie together! I've loved Will Smith since his Fresh Prince days even if he was a little goofy looking then, he was still hot. Kevin James is so adorable, I've loved him since the first time I saw King of Queens. I have a picture of him on my desk, my friend got it for me.