Hi, its me, the blubbering idiot. I promise this is going to be my last heart-broken-over-a-dog post (yeeeaah right ) But its really bad again I've wanted a Yorkie my WHOLE life and we got the cutest one in the shelter (I'm posting his picture at the bottom of this. I was on the other side of a half-door and he was freaking out trying to jump to me). I tried to distance myself from him when I first saw him in Pre-Adopt because I didn't want to fall for him. I'm going to be gone for 6 weeks in the fall and I know my mom wouldn't be very happy if I had to make her babysit an extra dog - especially since he's not housebroken

His name is Rascal and he is everything I've been wanting in a dog. He's got a little attitude but he's also soooooooooo sweet. I had him wrapped in a baby blanket today and just carried him around like a baby and he slept in my arms. I took him to the drive thru at McDonalds and he barked viciously at the intercom when the woman was talking Then I couldn't eat because he kept jumping up and trying to take the french fries out of my mouth! We went to Petsmart and spent WAAAAY too much on presents for the little boogar. He was SO well behaved in the store. He's a wiggly brat when other people try to hold him, but whenever I hold him he just sits and watches the world go by.

I've been sitting here all night with a pit in my stomach. I feel like throwing up. The girl who has her application on him is supposed to get him tomorrow. She has an introduction with her dog at 3:00. She has a rottie. She's a vet tech and VERY sweet. Everyone at work is telling me that I need to just take the dog. He is seriously the dog of my dreams, but he does have a good home lined up if I don't take him. Also since I'll be going to NYC, I'd feel irresponsible getting another pet right now. I just want to do what is best for Rascal, not for me. I really need someone to tell me I did the right thing or this is going to weigh heavy on my heart for so long. I hope she'll let me see him sometimes. Blah I gotta stop now because its making me cry