Fritz feeling somewhat better.He's moving around a bit more.Last night ,he jumped from the couch to the coffee table and from the couch to my chair.This morning ,he managed to get off the couch and onto the living room and roll over with all fours in the air.Tried to get a kiss from him,couldn't get it,not up to it yet.Then, he wanted in the window,didn't the ambition to jump,so i gave him a little boost.My sister seems to think the medicine we are giving him is making him sleepy.All he has had since Sunday is the medicine, water.Tried to get him interested in his own food,all he does is look at it.Going to try and give him something as soon as he can keep water down,he brought some of that up today,althought not that much.Maybe we will try chicken and rice and see wht he does with that.Thanks everybody for your concern over him,it's much appreciated.Mom has a new theory on his illness.She seems to think he picked a virus at either where he got his haircut or at the vets a week before that.Apparently the virus takes about a week to show itself and it did Sunday after supper.