Hi everyone!

It's been awhile since I've felt like really posting anything, but I just wanted to check in with everyone. I still lurk every morning though

Things are not so great here, but getting a little better. A couple of you know that I have been battling some major depression for awhile now. Well last night I finally quit my job, and I start my new job in 2 weeks. I should be happy, but I can't quite shake these bad feelings, like what if I'm doing the wrong thing, or what if I hate my new job, etc...So many negative thoughts are in my head, I haven't had a positive, uplifting thought in months.

I tried to do something bad to myself about a month ago (I won't go into detail here) and yes both my husband and myself go to a therapist weekly.

I am hoping that this job thing will be the strength I need to get over the hump. But what about everything else in my life? Our marriage is sucking, we don't do anything together because we have no money to go out. Our house is falling apart. We don't know how to have any fun- now I know that sounds strange, but it's true. We are both very serious people. I have no friends, no one to really talk to around here, no other girlfriends to go shopping with and hang out with. It's lonely as he11 here.

Not that anyone has wondered where I went, but I just had to let it out to the only people that may be able to give me some support

Here's a kitty pic to make this official: