Tommorrow at 5:00 p.m. I have an appointment with my GI. My mom is coming with me...she says, "And I'm bringing at writing tablet with me!". I think that means she's going to document everything?? She's so cute. Its good to have her supporting me.

I'm going to discuss a few things with him:

1. I'm still in constant pain...and have been since March!! He seems to have an "issue" with me taking the pain meds HE prescribed for me, but what else am I to do? LIVE in the hospital??

2. I'm on lots of different medicine that is supposed to get me into and KEEP me in remission. Well, that's not happening because every other day I have a "bad day". I'm on EVERY medicine they can give me and nothing seems to be working. I'm livid that I can't even go on vacation (READ: to relax!!) without being ill and requiring serious narcotics and/or vomiting all night.

3. We're going to point blank ask him if its time my primary GI/doctors be the ones at Cedar-Sinai's IBD Center. He seems to have done ALL he can do for me. I'm going to be sad, as I really like him, but I need to do what's right for my health. I can't keep on like this.

4. Regardless of the answer to #3, I need to find out what my pain is from. They've done every test imaginable and don't have answers.

5. WHEN AM I GOING TO FEEL BETTER? I want to discuss his opinion on surgery.

I need prayers to remain strong and focused. I need to take control of my health.

Thanks guys, I'll let you know how it goes.
