A few if you have noticed that I haven't been on PT much lately. (Thanks to everyone for the wonderful PMs , emails etc).

Over the past few months I have been undergoing fertility treament (some of you may know that Warren and myself have been trying for a baby for over two years). About two months ago I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovaries, and three weeks ago I was admitted into hospital for treatment. During the op my doctor discovered that I will not be able to have any more kids without IVF (ie Test-Tube baby). We have not yet decided whether we will be going ahead with it - I'll let you all know.

HOWEVER this "crisis" has made me stop and take stock of my life. One of the side effects of polycystic ovaries is that it made me put on weight very easily, and also makes it almost impossible to lose weight. I am hoping that the op I have three weeks ago will make this less of an issue.

Another issue which I have is that I am an emotional eater - I eat for comfort, when I am lonely, sad or bored, and it is a very self-destructive habit. Most of you know that I have been battling with depression for a while and eventually sought treatment for it in January this year.

ANYWAY - that is the background. Last week I finally decided that I cannot go on living my life trapped in this overweight body. (I used to be VERY thin, and also very vain , so I guess this is my comuppance). I went to a dietician and he has put together a weight loss and exercise plan for me. I REALLY want to get myself back on track, and I KNOW there are much more serious problems in some other PTers lives at the moment, but if you could spare a few prayers, and send me some positive thoughts / vibes that I can stick to this new program, I'd really appreciate it.