Leonardo is built like a miniature tank! He weights 13 pounds and is heavy. He has long hair that tends to stick out in all directions, especially when I try to get around him. He loves to get in front of me and mosey along. He has built in radar too; if I move left to pass him, he moves left; if I move right, so does he. He can fill a whole doorway just by himself. He loves to play this game when I am in a hurry. I had the flu earlier this fall. I HAD to get to the bathroom. You guessed it. Mr. Tank would not get out of the way. I finally scooted him out of the way with my foot. NO KICK! Just a nudge. You should have heard him! I'm sure the neighbors two houses down heard his protest. Thankfully, I made to to the bathroom just in time. Do your kids ever drive you nuts? What are their MOST annoying habits?