is NOT as much fun as you'd think it would be! Hubby and the kids started their spring break this morning and already they are driving me NUTS!

Thus far today:
*They've been on the phone and important calls didn't get through because they didn't answer the call waiting - what do we have it for? Then I freaked out and said "This is a business! No personal calls until 5:00!!! Then hubby said, "well we'll use the cell phones!" Which would kill our minutes in oh, two days.

* The kids answer the phone... instead of a polite, "May I ask who's calling?" They stand where they are, shout KIIIIIIMMMMM and actually throw the phone at me!!! I have repeatedly asked them to be polite and sound as if they were in an office... NOPE they can't do that! At least my son is being bullheaded but smart - he checks caller ID. If its for him or the family, he answers. If its for me, he leaves the phone ringing as it sails through the air towards me

* Daughter and her boyfriend are giggling and goofing off in the livngroom - its LOUD and distracting. I have asked them to keep it down because I can't concentrate, and they give me attitude... saying they are quiet when I'm on the phone. Oh, ok... is that the only time I need to concentrate?

* Hubby's in the livingroom while all this is going on shouting at the TV while giving answers to the Price Is Right. Then shouting at Jerry Springer. Then shouting that one of the cats is about to puke... like I'm supposed to jump from my WORK right then and there while to clean up hairballs while they are all GOOFING OFF???

OMG... if its this bad after ONE DAY, what is the summer going to be like? Will I make it? Will THEY make it? Will the police have a nasty multiple homicide on their hands?