Hubby and I had to go to trafic court tonight, nothing major, just to fight a ticket (we lost ) Anyway, while waiting for the case to be called, a guy walks in and is talking on his cell phone. The waiting room is tiny - 4 chairs and a counter where someone sits behind bulletproof glass. We could hear word for word what the guy said -- apparently his house was being raded BIG TIME by drug enforcement agents. And he was instructing the other person on the phone as to what to do... it was all very interesting and I sat there wondering HOW to tell the judge or others in the courthouse that this drug dealer guy was there.

Hubby just kept pinching my leg as if to say "ignore it" knowing full well I wouldn't be able to ignore it! I was in full "do what is right mode" and I was NOT about to leave the courthouse until SOMEONE knew this bum was there!

We had our case... and I cornered the cop on his way out. He said "I heard the whole thing and already radioed it in. The cops will be here to pick him up on his way out of traffic court" And apparently, they've been tailing this guy a looooonnnnngg time. He's apparently one of the big drug lords of the city.

And excuse me, but how stupid can he be to have that cell phone conversation in COURTHOUSE to begin with?

That was my excitement for the evening.